After Effects 2015

  • The biggest change for After Effects CC 2015 (13.5) has been a complete rearchitecture of how rendering occurs. Specifically, separating the main render thread from the thread that controls the user interface. Because of this large change to the fundamental workings of After Effects, it's necessary to update most plug-ins.
  • The biggest change for After Effects CC 2015 (13.5) has been a complete rearchitecture of how rendering occurs. Specifically, separating the main render thread from the thread that controls the user interface. Because of this large change to the fundamental workings of After Effects, it's necessary to update most plug-ins.

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Between her health and her schoolwork, something had to give. Michelle Manno, who is studying for a master's degree in educational psychology at Hunter College, was facing a spate of all-nighters and gulping down four large cups of coffee each day to stay alert. Within a few weeks, she came to need the coffee for another reason: If she didn't drink it, she became irritable and had migraines. Manno didn't like having a caffeine dependency, but 'the benefits of helping me with my schoolwork outweighed its negative implications for my health,' she says.

Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world, consumed by some 80 percent of American adults every day. It's probably safe to say that caffeine's most popular vehicle, coffee, is a mainstay for many psychology grad students. A 2012 survey conducted on behalf of Dunkin' Donuts and CareerBuilder showed that scientists drink more coffee than any other professional group except food workers.

But while its cultural pervasiveness suggests caffeine is benign, it's actually a powerful psychoactive compound. Caffeine does have its cognitive perks — including boosting alertness, energy and feelings of well-being — but overuse can cause a range of unpleasant side effects, including troubled sleep, jitters, irritability and gastric distress. Further, caffeine dependence can become a hard-to-shake habit, leading to a full-blown substance use disorder, research has shown.

'I wouldn't deny anybody their coffee, but people might benefit from becoming aware that caffeine use has the potential to become a problem and impact their physical or mental health,' says Alan Budney, PhD, a professor of psychiatry at Dartmouth Medical School. 'Caffeine is similar to most other drugs that are reinforcing, which caffeine is. People desire the effect and repeat the behavior over and over again. When reinforcers like that are easily accessible and inexpensive, their use may get out of control.'

The brain boost

Caffeine is chemically similar to the neuromodulator adenosine, which accumulates through the day and induces drowsiness for sleeping at night. When we consume caffeine, it binds to adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking the effects of adenosine, with the side benefit of allowing dopamine to flow more freely. That can bring on feelings of well-being, energy and alertness.

A number of studies suggest that caffeine measurably boosts cognitive performance, helping to speed up reactions and sustain attention, though as Simone Cappelletti, MD, of Sapienza University in Rome, and colleagues suggested, those benefits may be helpful only to those who need caffeine to avoid withdrawal from a habit of consuming it in the first place (Current Neuropharmacology, 2015).

After Effects 2015

Caffeine may also have mental health benefits over time. For one, it has been associated with a lessened risk of depression. Michael Lucas, PhD, of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and colleagues followed more than 50,730 women in the Nurses' Health Study for almost 25 years, finding that those who drank at least four cups of coffee a day had a 20 percent reduced risk of depression compared with those who drank little or no coffee (Archives of Internal Medicine, 2011). Another study from Lucas of nearly 43,600 men found that drinking two to three cups of coffee a day was correlated with a 50 percent reduced risk of suicide (The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2013).

A cup of coffee might even help consolidate learning. Michael Yassa, PhD, an experimental psychologist at the University of California, Irvine, led a team of researchers who discovered that nonhabitual caffeine users who took 200 milligrams (roughly the amount in a 12-ounce cup of coffee) of the substance were better able to remember differences among sets of pictures, though it's not clear yet how the caffeine helped (Nature Neuroscience, 2014).

Caffeine has also been associated with reducing the risk of cognitive decline. A review by Lenore Arab, PhD, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues concluded that caffeine consumers overall had less cognitive decline than people who didn't use caffeine (Advances in Nutrition, 2013). The protective effect is stronger in women than in men, suggests a cohort study of 309 women in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (2010) by Catarina Santos, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Porto in Portugal.

Epidemiological studies suggest that caffeine may inhibit memory disorders, too. Research in animals suggests it slows the production of the protein beta-amyloid, which has been linked to Alzheimer's progression. Another mechanism may be how caffeine interacts with adenosine receptors; research with humans and animals is building the case that these receptors play an important role in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia, according to a review by Jiang-Fan Chen, MD, PhD, a neurologist at Boston University (International Review of Neurobiology, 2014).

Disordered drinking

After Effects 2015

But some people experience drawbacks to using caffeine. A daily dose of 400 milligrams or less — about three to four cups of home-brewed coffee — is generally considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration, but smaller amounts can trigger side effects, such as restlessness, insomnia and a rapid heartbeat in people who are particularly sensitive to caffeine's effects. Pregnant women are advised to limit intake to 200 milligrams a day at most.

Five cups of coffee and more may bring on worsening symptoms, including anxiety, agitation, headache, rambling speech and excitement, what the DSM-5 calls 'coffee intoxication.' It's a line casual users may occasionally cross, as many people build up a tolerance for caffeine that leads them to consume more of it over time, says Laura Juliano, PhD, a professor of psychology at American University and a leading researcher on the topic.
Caffeine does help us stay up later, delaying the onset of melatonin, the hormone that helps us sleep; a dose equivalent to a what's in a double espresso taken three hours before bed led participants to go to sleep 40 minutes later on average, according to a 2015 study in Science Translational Medicine by Tina Burke, PhD, of the University of Colorado Boulder. However, the caffeine pushed participants' entire circadian rhythm back, meaning they got up later, too — an effect perhaps unwelcome for those with 8 a.m. classes.
Then there is caffeine's addictive factor. If you think you can't possibly give up your coffee habit, you may be right. Many users can't stay away from caffeine, even though it might intensify their related health problems. That's a primary criterion of 'caffeine use disorder,' a condition the DSM-5 deems worthy of more research. Other potential symptoms include trying to quit but being unable to, craving, suffering withdrawal after stopping, using more than intended and spending a great deal of time with the drug. Sound familiar? Yet here, too, caffeine's ubiquity may help us turn a blind eye to our dependency.
'The world doesn't broadcast that caffeine can be an addictive drug that might cause problems,' Budney says. 'Certainly its overuse might not be as scary as other drugs; the consequences aren't so dramatic. Such less severe consequences, however, may reduce awareness or concern about a potential problem that could prompt taking action.'

According to the DSM-5, caffeine withdrawal syndrome occurs when people skip a dose of caffeine and experience headaches, fatigue, depression and trouble concentrating. These are clinically well-documented symptoms that can be severe. In fact, research suggests many people use caffeine just to avoid these symptoms — though others, especially children and adolescents, may not understand why they feel sluggish and have a raging headache.

'Many people don't realize they are dependent on caffeine until they skip it for a day and experience caffeine withdrawl,' Juliano says.

The drug is notorious for causing the jitters and anxiety, particularly at higher doses. People with underlying mental health issues may be more susceptible: a review of eight studies found that caffeine aggravated symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder (Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2011).

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Wise use

Want to try to limit your caffeine intake? Try these research-based tips:

  • Delay having coffee for at least an hour after you wake in the morning since that is when your body doesn't actually need a caffeinated pick-me-up: Soon after waking, your body produces cortisol, a natural energy booster, so save your coffee breaks for mid-morning or the early afternoon, when cortisol levels dip, advises Dartmouth University neuroscientist Steven Miller, PhD.
  • Similarly, if you don't habitually drink caffeine, consider drinking it only when you really need a functional boost, such as before a long drive or particularly long seminar, Juliano suggests.
  • Caffeine can interfere with sleep when consumed as long as six hours before bedtime, reducing sleep by an hour and interfering with sleep efficiency and REM patterns, according to a study by Christopher Drake, PhD, of the Henry Ford Hospital in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2013). So time your intake accordingly.
  • There are no formal guidelines to help people get off caffeine, but strategies that are effective in stopping other problem behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol or overeating may help, psychologists say. They include stimulus control, such as learning to watch out for triggers that spur caffeine use and asking friends to help you reach your goal, Budney suggests. Juliano has been developing and testing manualized treatment to help people reduce caffeine use. An early test, in press in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, suggests that keeping a daily diary of consumption is effective. Also, gradually cutting back on caffeine may help you avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Explore more

  • Budney, A., Lee, D., & Juliano, L. (2015). Evaluating the validity of caffeine use disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports, 17(9).
  • Cappelletti, S., Daria, P., Sani, G., & Aromatario, M. (2015). Caffeine: Cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug? Current Neuropharmacology, 13(1), 71-88.
  • Lara, D. R. (2010). Caffeine, mental health, and psychiatric disorders. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(Suppl. 1), S239-S248.
  • Meredith, S. E., Juliano, L. M., Hughes, J. R., & Griffiths, R. R. (2013). Caffeine use disorder: A comprehensive review and research agenda. Journal of Caffeine Research, 3(3), 114-130.
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The After Effects CC 2015 (13.7) update is now available.

For details of the updates for all Adobe professional video and audio applications and services, see this page. Also, in January 2016 Adobe Stock added over 100,000 4K high-quality video assets, which you can search for, download, and license in the Libraries panel in After Effects and Premiere Pro.

If you're a Creative Cloud subscriber, you can download the new version by checking for updates through the Creative Cloud desktop application. For information about purchasing a Creative Cloud subscription, see this page about plans and this page with current promotional offers.

Ifyou want to ask questions about these new and changed features, come to the After Effects user-to-user forum. If you'd like to submit feature requests or bug reports, you can do so here.

Maxon's CINEWARE plug-in for After Effects has been updated to version 3.0, and includes the following features:

  • Live Link, which synchronizes the timelines in After Effects and Cinema 4D (R17 SP2)
  • Support for the Cinema 4D Take System (R17)
  • Extract .c4d timeline markers
  • Other enhancements and fixes

CINEWARE 3.0 also includes the following rendering improvements:

  • OpenGL renderer
  • Renderer limitations have been removed: Physical, Hardware, and Sketch and Toon renderers now render using CINEWARE
  • Multi-pass alpha channels

You need Cinema 4D R17 to use the Take System, and Cinema 4D R17.048 (SP2) to use Live Link. Even if you don't have access to Cinema 4D R17, the rest of the new features can be used with After Effects and Cinema 4D versions R14-R16, including the version of Cinema 4D Lite R16 included with After Effects CC 2015.

Live Link enables the timelines of Cinema 4D and After Effects to be synchronized. Live Link requires Cinema 4D R17.048 (SP2) or later. If the selected version of Cinema 4D does not support Live Link, the Enable button is dimmed.

To use Live Link, ensure that the Cinema 4D paths in the CINEWARE Options dialog is set to a version of Cinema 4D that supports Live Link (Cinema 4D R17.048 or later). When you click the Enable button for Live Link (under the Show Help button), the specified Cinema 4D version opens the current file. If Live Link is not enabled in Cinema 4D, brief instructions appear. To enable Live Link in Cinema 4D, choose Edit > Preferences > Communication > Live Link, then enable Live Link Enabled At Startup. The timelines are then synchronized when switching between After Effects and Cinema 4D. When you select a different C4D layer in After Effects, press Enable to synchronize that layer.

The Cinema 4D R17 Take System is now integrated into CINEWARE. The Set Take button in the CINEWARE effect is enabled if the .c4d file contains takes. If the current renderer does not support take selections, then the main take is used.

Timeline markers in .c4d files are now added to the C4D layer in After Effects when you click the Extract button.


To avoid problems extracting scene data in After Effects, enable Save Polygons for Melange and Save Animation for Melange in Cinema 4D preferences.

Renderer limitations removed for Physical, Hardware, and Sketch and Toon

Renderer limitations have been removed in CINEWARE. When your .c4d file is saved in a full retail (for example, Studio) version of Cinema 4D with Render Settings set to the Physical or Hardware renderer, it renders with those settings when the CINEWARE renderer is set to Standard (Final) or Standard (Draft). Sketch and Toon renders when the CINEWARE renderer is set to Standard (Final).

This limitation is only removed for CINEWARE. The version of Cinema 4D Lite included with After Effects CC 2015 is not affected by this change and still has limitations on which renderers it can use.

Multi-pass layers are now created with an alpha channel.

When the Cinema 4D Layers option is enabled, a new option to Synchronize C4D Layers becomes available when there are multiple instances (including extracted passes) of the C4D layer in the composition. All instances of the same layer with Synchronize C4D Layers enabled synchronizes changes made when enabling or disabling Cinema 4D layers by clicking Set Layers.

Note the difference between the two synchronize options in CINEWARE:

  • Synchronize AE layer: Render Settings and Camera options are synchronized on all instances of the C4D layer.
  • Synchronize C4D Layers: Cinema 4D Layers settings are synchronized on all instances the C4D layer.

The No Pre-calculation option is now enabled by default. This disables pre-calculations for computing motion dynamics or particle simulations. Disable No Pre-calculation for final rendering, if necessary, depending on the animation used in the .c4d file.

Preference to auto-save when starting the render queue

In Preferences > Auto-Save, you can now control whether After Effects automatically saves the project when you start the render queue. The new Save When Starting Render Queue option is enabled by default.

This new option is a separate control from auto-saving at intervals ('Save every X minutes'). The Auto-Save options are modified to make it clear that you can choose to save at intervals, save when starting the render queue, or both.

Starting in After Effects CC 2015 (13.6), auto-saving does not occur while the render queue is rendering. In After Effects CC 2015 (13.6), if Automatically Save Projects was enabled in Preferences > Auto-Save, projects were always auto-saved when you started the render queue; After Effects CC 2015 (13.7) now allows you to control whether this auto-save occurs.

When the Cache Before Playback option is enabled in the Preview panel, After Effects CC 2015 (13.7) now previews frames as they are rendered. As the frames are rendered, only newly rendered frames are previewed; previously rendered frames are skipped. Audio is not previewed during this caching phase of the preview.

After all frames are rendered, preview of the cached frames begins (with audio, if enabled).

After Effects 2015 Templates Free

  • Resizing a panel by dragging panel borders with a tablet pen (e.g. a Wacom tablet) no longer causes the pointer to continue to drag the panel border the next time you touch the pen down, or to unexpectedly begin dragging after a single click.
  • Zooming with the mouse wheel in a Composition panel set to multiple views zooms the view under the pointer as expected, instead of only zooming the first view.
  • Audio is no longer silent for the first 2 seconds of real-time playback of previews after the composition has been fully cached, if the Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-time preference is enabled. Important: This fixed bug addresses a specific problem in which audio did not engage when the playback frame rate is real-time; a similar bug some is being investigated where the preview of a cached composition starts out slower than real-time, and ramps up to real-time after a similar delay (about 2 to 3 seconds). In this case, if Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-time is enabled, you do not hear audio during until the preview frame rate is real-time; you can work around this bug by disabling Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-time.
  • Audio no longer plays out of sync if the frame rate of the comp or footage is different from the Frame Rate option in the Preview panel.
  • Visual artifacts no longer occur in layers that use time remapping with frame blending set to Pixel Motion, or with Timewarp, Rolling Shutter Repair, and other effects that use the Pixel Motion (optical flow) method.
  • Anti-aliasing in viewer panels (Composition, Layer, Footage) is improved when downsampling (for example, viewer resolution is set to full and zoom is set to 25%) and the Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, and Footage Panels option is enabled in Preferences > Display.
  • Layers draw their contents as expected, instead of a wireframe, when you hold the Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) key while dragging the anchor point with the Pan Behind tool.
  • Fixed several cases where the render progress bar in the Composition panel failed to appear or update as expected after modifying a composition.
  • Resetting a workspace to its saved layout no longer opens empty Timeline panels.
  • The Paint workspace now opens the Paint and Brushes panels instead of the Character and Paragraph panels.
  • Audio-only previews no longer restore the workspace when the Timeline panel or other non-viewer panels are maximized.
  • Choosing Replace With After Effects Composition in Premiere Pro no longer fails with an error, 'Importer reported a generic error', if the Premiere Pro sequence is set to greater than 99fps. While the new composition in After Effects is at the expected frame rate, changing that composition's settings reduces its frame rate to 99 fps. (99 fps is the maximum value allowed by the Composition Settings dialog. This bug fix behaves similar to dragging footage that is greater than 99 fps to the New Composition button at the bottom of the Project panel in After Effects.)
  • Previews now play the composition, layer, or footage only once when the Loop control in the Preview Panel is set to Play Once, even when the playback requires frames to be cached, and causes it not to play in real-time. When Cache Before Playback is enabled, the caching phase is separate and not considered to be playback; once all frames are cached, then the single playback loop begins.
  • Scrolling in the Render Queue panel during rendering works again.
  • Previewing with Full Screen enabled no longer causes an error message: internal verification failure, sorry! {no current context}
  • After Effects no longer crashes when you select multiple keyframes, then open the Keyframe Velocity dialog and enable Continuous.
  • Executing After Effects via the command line no longer fails if the file path to a project file or script contains '-ep'.

After Effects 2015 Template

If you'd like to let us know what you'd like to see addressed in a future update, let us know with a bug report or feature request here. You can also talk with us on the After Effects user-to-user forum.