Adobe Audition Cutting Audio

Cut: Y: Slip tool: Ctrl: Z: Undo: Ctrl Shift: Z: Redo: Ctrl Shift: E: Add most recent effect to rack: F: Select frequency selection tool: G: Select lasso tool: Grave Accent: Expand editor panel to fill application window. M: Insert marker: R: Select rectangular marquee tool. In video editing, we trim to the frame (i.e. 30 fps video can be trimmed to 1/30th of a second). However, audio can be trimmed with MUCH greater precision. Depending upon the sample rate, you can trim to 1/48,000th of a second! The tools we need for trimming are in the Toolbar at the top of the Audition window.

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  2. Adobe Audition Cut Audio
Cutting, deleting, and pasting audio regions

Cutting, deleting, and pasting audio regions

Cutting, deleting, and pasting audio regions is particularly useful with narration audio files because you can remove unwanted sounds from your narration, like coughs or “umms,” tighten up spaces, increase spaces between words and phrases, and even rearrange the dialogue if needed. In this lesson you’ll edit the following narration (file Narration05) so it flows logically and doesn’t have unwanted sounds:

“First, once the files are loaded, select the file you, uh, want to edit from the drop-down menu. Well actually, you need to go to the File menu first, select open; then choose the file you want to edit. Remember; you can (clears throat) open up, uh, multiple files at once.”

You’ll get rid of the uhs and throat clearing, and rearrange the narration to say:

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“Go to the File menu first; select open; then choose the file you want to edit. Remember that you can open up multiple files at once. Once the files are loaded, select the file you want to edit from the drop-down menu.”

  1. The file Narration05 should still be open. If not, reopen the file from the Lessons03 folder. If necessary, select the file Narration05 for editing from the Editor panel drop-down submenu. If you’ve closed and reopened Audition, choose File > Open Recent and then choose Narration05, or navigate to the Lesson03 folder and open Narration05.
  2. Play the file until you reach the first “uh.” Stop the transport, and click and drag across the ”uh” to select it.
  3. To hear what the file will sound like after you delete the “uh,” click in the timeline several seconds prior to the region, and then click Skip Selection (the rightmost transport button). The file will play up to the region start, and then seamlessly skip to the region end and resume playback. If you hear a click, refer to the sidebar “About zero-crossings.”
  4. Choose Edit > Delete to delete the “uh.”
  5. When you invoke this command, you may not see any visual difference when zoomed out, because the adjustments are often very minor. However, Audition is indeed moving the region boundaries as defined by the command; you can verify this by zooming in to the waveform so you can see the results with more accuracy.

  6. Now you’ll remove the unwanted throat clearing. If you trim right up to the throat-clearing boundaries, when you click the Skip Selection transport button you’ll hear a gap. So, select a region that starts somewhat before and ends slightly after the actual throat clearing to tighten that gap.
  7. Now let’s remove the second “uh” that’s in the audio. Notice that removing this “uh” results in too tight a transition between the words before and after the “uh” (you also have to be careful not to cut off too much of the beginning of the word “multiple”). So, undo your last cut. Instead of deleting the “uh,” you’ll insert silence instead to produce a better result. To do this, select the “uh” and choose Edit > Insert > Silence. A dialog box appears denoting the length of the silence, which will equal the region length you defined. Click OK.
  8. The silent gap between words is too long, so define part of the silence as a region. Click Skip Selection to test whether you’ve deleted the right amount; lengthen or shorten the silence as needed, and then choose Edit > Delete. The gap is now shorter.
Adobe Audition Cutting Audio

Adobe Audition Cut Audio

Now that you’ve fixed some of the verbal glitches, let’s change the sentence structure into a more coherent narration. Keep this file open; if you need to interrupt this lesson, choose File > Save As, and save the file as Narration05_edit.