Sound Siphon

Siphon Misconceptions. Misinformation about siphons. Textbooks and web sites sometimes have statements about siphons that are incomplete or misleading. Some assert or imply that air pressure drives the liquid flow. Some suggest or imply that it is the difference in weight of liquid in the two siphon arms that causes and sustains siphon action. Sound Siphon is a new app for the Mac that can turn the audio output of an application into an audio input device. Normally, when making a recording on your make, using Quicktime, for instance, you'll use a microphone for audio input. What Sound Siphon allows you to do is designate your Mac, or specific applications like iTunes and Safari, as audio input devices, then record the audio.


Staticz has released version 2.1.1 of Sound Siphon, a software package that makes the output of applications running on your mac available as an audio input device for use on another application.

Sound Siphon can be used to “wire” the output of one application to the input of another, for example, you can run DogParkSDR to control and receive audio from your FlexRadio and pipe the audio input and output from your radio into FLdigi (instructions on how to do that can be found here)

Sound Siphon 2.1.1 has the following features:

Sound Siphon

Sound Siphon Download

  • Compatible with more output devices.
  • Fixed audio capture of multichannel output devices.
  • Better handling of subprocesses, such as Minecraft.
  • Added option to enable/disable play through for an input.
  • Can now specify the output device used for monitoring in preferences.
  • Fixed capturing audio from subprocesses. This fixes capturing from Chrome and Terminal, among other things.

Sound Siphon

Sound Siphon 2 is a FREE UPGRADE for those that have already purchased Sound Siphon 1.x. The new version, as well as a limited use demo download is available from the website.