Piers Corbyn Twitter

  1. Piers Morgan Jeremy Corbyn Twitter
  2. Pierce Corbin

No keyboard for mac mini. Our twitter feed - @PiersCorbyn and facebook page also carry leading weather and solar activity forecast reports and news. Long-range monthly forecasts for Britain & Ireland, Europe and USA are available with normally normally 6 to 8 weather sub-periods per month via the web with look ahead times up to 30d (days), 45d, 100d and 4 / 5 months. 1 day ago  Piers Corbyn joins 'Unite for Freedom' rally in Central London. 24 April 2021, 4:00 am. Piers Corbyn has joined thousands in a 'Unite for Freedom' rally on Saturday (April 24). Supporters of the movement protest against new COVID-19 measures including what they call ‘coerced vaccinations'.

Extraordinary Times need Extraordinary leadership

Piers Corbyn: Victory Against all Odds In the 1970s as leader of the squatters movement thousands of people were granted permanent council tenancies. When he was a Labour Councillor in Southwark (1986-1990) Piers led the council-business consortium board which built the waste-to-energy station SELCHP on the Southwark-Lewisham-Greenwich border.

Piers is a veteran campaigner, political activist and scientist.
He has led campaigns on housing, transport, jobs, student rights, and climate realism. And over the past year he stood up against dictatorial powers imposed in the name of coronavirus.

Piers Corbyn: A Life Standing up for Londoners

For this, he has been attacked, vilified and slandered by the power that be. He was placed under surveillance by the police and Security Services from 1971. Targeted by Scotland Yard’s Special Demonstration Squad for 20 years, Piers is a key witness at the current Undercover Policing Inquiry launched following revelations in 2015, that police spies had infiltrated campaign groups by establishing fake, manipulative and disgusting relationships with women activists – causing life-long trauma and pain for the women who were abused and raped – as well as for the wives of the officers involved.

Piers Fights Lockdowns and The New Normal

  • He challenged the Coronavirus narrative and the dictatorial powers imposed in the name of protecting the NHS.
  • He showed that the inaccurate PCR tests cannot be used to diagnose whether people have a specific type pneumonia that is the most common symptom of Covid-19
  • He showed that wearing masks in public can only have a negative health impact and increases the risk of respiratory illness
  • He showed that isolation and loneliness undermine the natural human immune system
  • He showed that Big Pharma and Big Tech are exploiting the crisis for profit and not to serve the health needs of the people
  • He explained that the de-facto closure of the NHS to “prevent” coronavirus has and will cause as many deaths as it supposedly saved
  • Many of the world’s leading medical experts around the world share these views.

Piers Corbyn: Victory Against all Odds

In the 1970s as leader of the squatters movement thousands of people were granted permanent council tenancies. When he was a Labour Councillor in Southwark (1986-1990) Piers led the council-business consortium board which built the waste-to-energy station SELCHP on the Southwark-Lewisham-Greenwich border. He has fought against the privatisation and demolition of council housing across London for decades.
He organised the very first protests against the dictatorial powers imposed on all of us in the name of Coronavirus for which he has been arrested 11 times, often being dragged away in handcuffs and kept in cells for up to 24 hrs.

Piers Corbyn: Weather Forecaster

Piers is an accomplished and internationally-renowned scientist – astrophysicist and meteorologist – and runs www.weatheraction.com the long-range weather forecasters. He is unafraid to stand against the stream on Climate Change theory. Piers maintains that the common sense notion that the sun is the main force governing the climate on earth is scientifically accurate and verifiable. He holds that the CO2 level is mainly determined by changes in temperature rather than the other way around. Piers is willing and eager to debate any issue that is dear to his heart, no matter how controversial; and for this he is slandered in the mainstream media and labelled as a so-called conspiracy theorist. Piers often jokes that “yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s reality”.

Piers Corbyn stands by his brother despite disagreements

When Piers’ younger brother Jeremy Corbyn MP ran for Labour Party leader, Piers helped his campaign even though he had left the Labour Party himself. When Jeremy won, Piers stood alongside him.
Every honest person, no matter what colour their politics, knows that that Jeremy Corbyn was unjustly attacked, slandered and vilified. He was labelled a terrorist sympathiser, Anti-Semitic, and an enemy of the people by the ruling elites in Britain and internationally. A serving General even warned that if Jeremy Corbyn became PM there would a mutiny in the army.
Although Jeremy tried his best to stand his ground, sinister forces, in the media, and the establishment, and traitors inside the Labour Party, eventually managed to undermine his authority and to sabotage his leadership. Adobe photoshop cs6 for mac os x torrent. This resulted in Labour’s election defeat in 2019.
The establishment threw all its weight behind Keir Starmer’s bid to to replace Jeremy as leader. When Starmer won the leadership vote he immediately cooked-up the usual Anti-Semitism lies, in order to expel Jeremy from the Parliamentary Labour Party. Now the Labour Party is once again in the safe hands of puppets of the ruling elite.

End Lockdowns, Masking, Distancing; and Covid Rules!

Piers Corbyn and the Let London Live movement demand an immediate end to all lockdowns and restrictions imposed on the people in the name of fighting a coronavirus.
If elected as Mayor of London Piers Corbyn calls on the people of London to refuse to abide by coronavirus restrictions on freedom, life and liberty.
He said: “I will instruct the Metropolitan police to stop enforcement of all coronavirus rules and regulations in London. Our city will stand up as a beacon of hope for the people of the world.”


We call on thinking people everywhere to stand up for truth, democracy and accountability. We stand for real scientific debate which must be based on open critical debate, where no ideas are taboo, forbidden or censored.
We demand TV, Radio and online debates between all candidates for Mayor of London and the London Assembly. What are they afraid of?

London Mayoral candidate and lockdown sceptic Piers Corbyn was arrested by London police for campaigning against the draconian lockdown measures on Saturday.

The Metropolitan Police arrested the brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Piers Corbyn, for supposedly breaching the national lockdown restrictions.

Corbyn, 73, has been arrested at least five times since the beginning of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, according to the Daily Mail.

Last month, the controversial campaigner was arrested for publishing leaflets that compared the UK’s coronavirus vaccine rollout to the Auschwitz concentration camp run by the Nazis in German-occupied Poland.

“The statement that vaccines are the path to freedom is false, as indeed was the Nazi claim that work is the path to freedom,” he told Sky News, adding: “It’s not offensive. What happened in the Holocaust was horrible and offensive — that isn’t really what this question is about.”

In January, the British meteorologist and physicist — who was hitherto known for his outspoken scepticism of man-made climate change — announced his intentions to run against incumbent Mayor Sadiq Khan on the platform of ending lockdowns.

Greg Hands, the Conservative MP and chairman of the mayoral campaign for Tory Shaun Bailey, described Mr Corbyn’s Saturday rally as “totally irresponsible”.

“Wasting police time [and] resources so he can create a publicity stunt for his conspiracy, anti-vax, COVID-denying campaign to be Mayor of London,” Hands wrote on social media.

Hands went on to publish a statement from the Hammersmith and Fulham police force, which read: “This afternoon anti lockdown protesters and musicians gathered in Bishops Park, SW6 around 1300 hours. Local officers engaged with the organisers, however, they refused to acknowledge our directions and continued to set up their instruments which gathered a significant crowd.

“Further units were requested before the organiser of the event was arrested. In total, 5 persons were arrested for their part in today’s protest. We will continue to robustly police any breaches of this nature and we thank the support of our partners and residents at this time.”

BREAKING Piers Corbyn Arrested Again pic.twitter.com/rJeQvckGZt


— Guido Fawkes (@GuidoFawkes) February 27, 2021

Mr Corbyn is at least the third London mayoral candidate to be confronted by police for attempting to campaign for the May 6th election. In January, candidate Brian Rose was fined by police for campaigning on what he termed as a “COVID safe” bus.

“With an unelected mayor currently heading up our city for the past year, including its police force, it is incredibly worrying that democracy is being eroded in this way, while the mayor’s own team continue to campaign,” Mr Rose said.

Piers Morgan Jeremy Corbyn Twitter

In December, the Heritage Party candidate for the mayoralty, London Assembly Member David Kurten, was filmed by Breitbart London being questioned by police for talking to supporters during another anti-lockdown demonstration.

Piers Corbyn Twitter

“This is the beginning of fascism,” Kurten warned.

The government has also banned candidates in the upcoming elections from leafletting to promote their campaigns. This policy has been adopted by the local government in Wales, leading to police coming to the home of Neil McEvoy MS, who is challenging First Minister Mark Drakeford for his seat.

“When the police are banging on politicians’ doors late in the evening to ‘caution’ them against delivering election leaflets you know things have gone too far. I didn’t think this kind of thing could happen in Wales but I’m really concerned that our democracy is under threat,” McEvoy told Breitbart London.

'Make London Live Again' – Corbyn's Pro-Brexit, Anti-Lockdown Brother Running for London Mayor https://t.co/atPDGSl7W1

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 3, 2021

Pierce Corbin

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